Look at the dates on your resulting research quarries before folding that information into what you right. Believe it or not, bloggers make the mistake of writing outdated technical instructions to their readers. Unless the reader is tech savvy he or she won't know, but they will suffer when they go to apply the instructions. It won't work then they become frustrated. When they take the issue to a professional he or she often won't realize the problem early due to there being an outdated code or some similar problem. There usually are technical things in my blogs, but I don't put them in unless I plan to take the time to break them down into tiny "understandable pieces for the reader's can consume it with some understanding of it. I go beyond what the average reader can understand. The information you read about fixing a technical problem you're about to blog about could be out of date. You should check it's date to be sure it's current. If you d...
This blog summarizes the business approach to blogging. It is based on eight years of writing blogs and optimizing them for reader appreciation, content marketing and search engines.